What to expect

Thank you for your interest in joining us for worship Sunday mornings! Every Sunday we gather by the Father’s call, in the name of Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our services are a unique blend of the ancient and modern, combining deep and heartfelt liturgy with both hymns and contemporary worship. Our services are about 65 minutes long, and we all partake in the sacrament of communion at the Lord's Table every week.

You’ll find that our environment is casual, and that our children bring life and joy into our worship service! Children are with us for the majority of worship because we believe they are integral parts of our church family. We have coffee and donuts, and just about everybody lingers after service.

We hope to see you soon!

Much love, Kempton+


1. Our worship space is located north of Christian Life Church’s main entrance.

2. Proceed to the far end of the parking lot.

3. Look for the blue banner and standing signs bearing our logo!

4. Follow the tiled sidewalk (pictured above) to our entrance.